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Lepidolite - A Detailed Guide To Understanding This Mineral - Krystallized

Lepidolite - A Detailed Guide To Understanding This Mineral

Lepidolite is a magnesium mica rich in lithium, and has been used for centuries for its beautiful pink-purple coloring and unique metaphysical properties. It is found in many places around the world, including Russia, Brazil, Zimbabwe and India. Lepidolite can be used to help reduce anxiety and stress levels while creating inner peace and balance.

On a physical level, this crystal encourages restful sleep by calming the mind of any unwanted worries or thoughts that keep us from concentrating on our well being during sleep time. It also helps relax muscle tension caused by stress related issues like headaches or tension within your body. On an emotional level it brings soothing feelings of stability which allows one to trust their intuition more deeply than before.

The most powerful property of lepidolite lies within its strong calming energy that can be utilized when meditating with the stone as it liberates one’s ability to accept oneself for who they are without judgement or criticism. As its vibrations wash over you in waves allowing you to clear out any negative feelings, your mind will become focused on all aspects necessary for success such as confidence building techniques along with organization skills needed in order complete tasks throughout your day efficiently and effectively.

Formed millions of years ago beneath ancient sea beds due to a process known as hydrothermal alteration; lepidolite gets its distinctive purple coloration from traces of manganese found in between layers upon layers compacted sedimentary material compressed together over time producing a coarse texture that reflects light beautifully giving off an almost shimmering façade when placed against natural sunlight adding an elegant sophistication wherever placed whether indoor or outdoor environments alike!

Lepidolite is believed to contain healing powers associated with releasing negative energies from ones physical being while providing protection against future hexes coming forth into ones life path standing guard beside you no matter what! Furthermore this gemstone may help dissolve emotional attachments making it easier not only take next steps but make sound decisions free from what once was proving itself practical beneficial during transition periods anytime they may appear necessary .

In addition opening up Third Eye chakra lepidolite stimulates higher planes enlightenment filling mental vessels insightful spiritual knowledge that when employed correctly bring forth enlightenment clarity towards true self purpose … In essence use Lepidolite whenever feeling lost overwhelmed confused unable figure something out allowing yourself unlock secret door answers overcome anxieties arise through daily living experience amazing results soon come way !
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