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Ammonites - A Charismatic Fossil - Krystallized

Ammonites - A Charismatic Fossil

Have you ever heard of ammonites? An ammonite is an extinct marine mollusk, and they are some of the most charismatic fossils that have ever existed! They lived millions of years ago in all parts of the world’s oceans.

Ammonites are so recognizable in part because they form a beautiful spiral-shaped shell with numerous chambers inside partially filled with gas or water. The chambers allowed these sea creatures to float up and down in the ocean very easily as they moved through their environment. However, when the creature died, its soft body dissolved away leaving behind just its spiral shell fossilized into stone which has lasted up until this day.

Although we can admire them for their beauty, there is actually an ancient metaphysical connection between ammonites and energy healing. Many cultures throughout history have recognized certain fossils as sacred objects that possess special powers that could help people heal spiritually and emotionally. This includes ammonites which were believed to help instill courage and strength within individuals while shielding them from emotional harm at the same time by providing grounding energy.

As far as physical healing properties go, it was thought that ammonites contained special earth energies - known as 'ley lines' -which could be used to neutralize negative vibrations from radiation, toxic pollutants among other things. In particular for those suffering from allergies or hayfever symptoms it was believed if you slept with a piece of aged petrified ammonite under your bed then relief would come quickly; presumably due to extensive energy clearing being performed during sleep hours!

All kinds of different stones today carry unique metaphysical qualities but none quite like what was attributed to Ammonites since many people believe this species holds some kind of magical power greater than other natural crystals or minerals found on Earth today – making them highly sought after amongst those already familiar with energetic healing practices such as Reiki practitioners who use them extensively during treatments/rituals/ceremonies etc…

The fascinating thing about these mystical creatures isn’t just their captivating shape but also how they came about in the first place; most believe they evolved over periods lasting millions of years where natural processes slowly changed them into what we now recognize today – amazing! It kind of gives you chills thinking about how much time has gone by since these Ammonite shells were first formed right? In any case; no one can deny how stunningly beautiful Ammonite specimens look – even more astonishing when considering how old each specimen likely is!


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