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Everything You Need To Know About Celestite - Krystallized

Everything You Need To Know About Celestite

Celestite, also known as Celestine, is a beautiful and unique crystal found around the world. It has been used in metaphysical practices for centuries and its beauty brings joy to many.

Celestite crystals are usually blue in color but can range from a light sky blue or even white and grayish tones. They have small striations running across them that give the stone a unique texture and luster. Many of the larger pieces can be quite heavy because they are dense stones due to their high mineral content. This makes them perfect for grounding purposes since it helps one stay connected with the earth’s energies.

On an energetic level, Celestite is believed to bring mental clarity and peace while calming any anxiety or worries you may be having about life’s situations or matters related to your spiritual path. It is often used by healers during healing sessions as well as when working with entities such as angels or spirit guides who want to communicate with us through this stone's properties. By focusing on its energy instead of our own anxieties we can become open channels for higher realms of enlightenment which bring forth new perspectives on life issues at hand.

In addition, Celestite invokes order over chaos enabling us to think more clearly when dealing with difficult topics allowing us greater organizing power over our lives and decisions we make along our journey here on earth. Its lighthearted vibration instills optimism which keeps us out of fear-based thinking while stimulating creativity so things don’t seem so stagnant at times like these when change is essential within ourselves and within society overall too!

The most popular use of this crystal however resides within its ability to attract extra terrestrial beings like aliens into our sphere by simply keeping some near where you sleep or meditate regularly! Some believe that these beings come in contact with those who possess Celestite in hopes of exchanging knowledge about other worlds outside ours whereas others claim it gives one access into deeper realms otherwise unreachable without it present either way; using this crystal creates avenues for magical exploration not possible if done alone! That said; many professionals advise against using sole reliance upon extraterrestrial contact as primary means towards spiritual development rather they recommend supplementing traditional practices such things journaling self reflection prayer rituals etc when seeking guidance from source divine instead 😊

Overall Celestite possesses remarkable properties meant only enhance ones experience here on Earth no matter their spiritual belief system curious enough? You might find yourself wishing travel down different paths that will ultimately lead you closer understanding your unique destiny so why not try adding some into practice today?

Further Reading

5 .http://www1spiritquestorgblogwordpresscom/?s=Celestine

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